Umm, so it snowed… For those who don’t live in Cornwall, this NEVER happens. At least anything more than slush.
This year, on the 6th of January 2018, Cornwall got a proper real dusting of white stuff.

I took this fleeting opportunity to mooch around Wheal Uny, as its higher elevation and slightly out-of-the-way location guaranteed a good view. I wasn’t disappointed.
Starting on the Redruth side of Wheal Uny, I headed up the lanes towards the centre of the mine. Both engine houses of Hind’s shaft looked stunning with the snow all around.

Heading out the other side of the engine houses towards Carn Brea, I joined a broad footpath and headed left up towards Carnkie.
At the top of the path, turn right on the road and just down the hill is the old gateway to Seleggan Smelting Works; just be careful on this road and cars drive very fast.
The footpath leads through the old smelting works and bring you out at the bottom of Wheal Basset where you can visit all that remains of this once great mine. The stamps engine house, calciner and vanner house are a prominent feature on the hillside and great to see in the snow.
From here I headed back to Redruth, but South Wheal Frances and the West Basset stamps complex are only a short walk on if you want to see more of this heritage rich area.

The whole walk is along public footpaths, with a short stretch along the road.
There isn’t any parking near Wheal Uny, a very small car park at Seleggan and small amount of parking in Carnkie.