Initially known as Red Hill Cemetery until the name Kambalda was gazetted in 1897, this small pioneer graveyard with five individual graves. However, a mystery surrounds this cemetery as two of the graves belong to one person.

Elizabeth Prentice ‘Gaunt’
Died 23rd December 1899 from serious burn injuries thought to be caused by an overturned kerosene lamp. She died at the Commercial Hotel in Kambalda.
William Wenzell
Died 1st June 1897 (or the 2nd), Wenzell was a 65 year old German who who ran a small store in Red Hill. He likely passed away from ‘inflammation of the lungs’. His was the first grave dug in this small graveyard.
Edward Hassell or Clayton
Died 12th May 1905 from suicide at the age of 40. This supposedly occurred while he was suffering from temporary insanity following the death of his wife.
Just prior to his death he intrusted two letters to another miner, Henry Colley on the Shotover Lease, one addressed to his mother in Victoria and the other to the police, the contents of which expressed his wish to commit suicide. A short while later, Mr Colley heard an explosion and upon investigation found the remains of Edward.
George Eupeli
Died 13th June 1904 at Butterfly mine, either due to a mining accident or a heart attack

The graveyard is fenced off, but very easy to see from the ground around it.
There is parking available along the road.
Coolgardie Miner (1897) ‘William Wenzel’, 8 June. Available at: wenzel (Accessed: 25 July 2021).
Coolgardie Miner (1905) ‘Suicide at Red Hill’, 15 May, p. 2. Available at: red hill (Accessed: 25 July 2021).
Find A Grave (2010) George Eupeli (unknown-1904). Available at: (Accessed: 25 July 2021).
Kalgoorlie Western Argus (1905a) ‘Sensational Suicide at Red Hill’, 16 May. Available at: red hill (Accessed: 25 July 2021).
Kalgoorlie Western Argus (1905b) ‘The Red Hill Suicide’, 16 May. Available at: red hill (Accessed: 25 July 2021).
Sharp, M. (2016) Red Hill Cemetery (Kambalda), Outback Family History. Available at: (Accessed: 25 July 2021).
The Sun (Kalgoorlie, WA) (1905) ‘Late Edward Hassell’, 28 May, p. 6. Available at: hassell (Accessed: 25 July 2021).