Hidden in the fields behind Porkellis lie what remains of Wheal Enys. Also known as Wheal Vernon, it was a fairly unsuccessful mine during its short life. First mentioned in 1815 following the advertisement of shares, at the time it had a water engine and 10 stamping mills. In 1849, the mine was restarted as a new venture; during this period the sett was at least a mile in length and worked eight different lodes, although no deeper than eight fathoms below adit (22-fathoms).

Between 1853-59 the mine was named Wheal Enys and had a 40-inch pumping engine and 30-inch stamps engine, selling 259 tons of black tin. Two sources mention the existence of a whim, one during a 1856 court case, but no reference of it’s size.

The mine closed around 1860 having failed to make decent profits. In the April, the mine site and every bit of kit you can imagine went up for sale, including the 30-inch pumping engine and 24-engine stamps with 32 heads and they’re respective boilers. At this time the pumping engine was demolished and some of the stone used to build Porkellis Chapel, which still stands today.

In 1907 a small group of miners opened up trial pits and claimed to find a ‘rich lode’, aiming to erect a 30-inch pumping engine. Nothing further came of this.

In 1987 the remains of the stamping engine house were bought by Bob Kellow and tastefully converted into the beauty it is today.

The engine house is on private land, but can be clearly seen from the public footpath that runs beside it.
There is no parking for this site, so find somewhere safe and legal nearby.
Brown, K. and Acton, B. (1997) Exploring Cornish Mines: Volume Three. Truro: Landfall Publications.
Gore’s Liverpool General Advertiser (1851) ‘No Title’, 23 January, p. 1.
Hall, V. (2013) Wheal Enys Account House. Available at: https://www.aditnow.co.uk/documents/ENYS-Mine/HistoryofmyhouseWhealEnys.pdf (Accessed: 3 November 2018).
Hamilton-Jenkin, A. K. (1978) Wendron Tin. Falmouth: Century Litho.
Nance, D. and Brown, K. (2014) A complete guide to the engine houses of West Cornwall. Gloucestershire: Lightmoor Press.
Royal Cornwall Gazette (1856) ‘Vice Wardens Court’, 22 August, p. 6.
Royal Cornwall Gazette (1860) ‘No Title’, 20 April, p. 1.
The Cornish Telegraph (1907) ‘Mining Intelligence’, 4 April, p. 3.
West Briton (1907) ‘Cornish Mining’, 21 March, p. 6.